
Medina, Joneil B. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Mock Lesson Studies for Junior High School Mathematics: Topic Studies
Authors Sera脙聝脗卤o, Bea & Apelado, Rijeann & Aviles, Kelvy Noraine & Sarip, Ayrah & Betalas, Aiza & Diola, Rushel & Pioquinto, Mae & Genosa, Mary Joy & Yano, Jhenclair & Manlangit, Jocelyn & Nuevas, Jenievil & Loretero, Kate Gia & Boyonas, Joegene Kaye & Medina, Joneil & Jestre, Joan & Pejano, Daniel James & Maglunob, Stela Marie & Maglangit, Nika Keen Ianne & Pacarat, Harley Jean & Malmis, Diofel.
Publication date June 2023
Report No. 1A
Abstract This volume presents in a sequence, eight (8) lessons for Philippine Junior High School Mathematics. There are four (4) sections in this volume, containing two (2) topic studies on particular competencies as indicated. The following units are considered for each grade level: Data Gathering and Measures of Central Tendency for grade 7. Illustrating Theorems on Triangle Inequality and Experimental VS Theoretical Probability were selected for grade 8. Basic Concepts of Trigonometry and Laws of Sines are selected for grade 9. And Quartiles of Ungrouped Data and Measures of Position in Ungrouped and Grouped Data were selected for grade 10. Notice that the units selected are all in the final quarter of the school year. It was hoped that actual classroom lesson implementation may be conducted. Each topic study is introduced by a Rationale of Topic Selection, which explains how each of the team selected their set of competencies to work on. Some cited research literature, and some on experiences. The rationale of topic selection is followed by the Curriculum Mapping of Concepts, Related Skills, and Competencies, generally expressed as a concept map of interconnected concepts from before and after each of the selected competencies. This strategy also provides important insights to how particular lessons maybe introduced based directly on what learners already know. The next subsection, Key Concepts of the Topic is presented through a table. Each table contains 3 columns indicating the (1) concept; (2) anticipated learner articulations of such concepts (often in an instructional procedure context); (3) pre-requisite and to-be-demonstrated competencies and skills. Finally, the Comparison of Sources attempts to look into how established references (e.g. books, DepEd mandated Modules, internet resources, etc.) 芒聙聹teach芒聙聺 the competencies. This is attempted by providing details on each reference芒聙聶s Teaching Approach; Challenges and Limitations; Instructional Merit and Potential; and Teaching the topic towards nurturing 21st Century skills. Each topic study is concluded with a reflection of the working team. These reflections depict genuine experiences, insights, challenges, and other plethora of perceptions towards the topic study as a task; and the contents of the team芒聙聶s study/findings.
Index terms / Keywords Technical Report; Teacher-Student Knowledge Co-creation
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