
Jovita-olvez, Hazel D. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title To what extent is social media used in city government policy making? Case studies in three asean cities
Authors Achmad Nurmandi, David Almarez, Sataporn Roengtam, Salahudin Salahudin, Hazel D Jovita, Dian Suluh Kusuma Dewi, David Efendi 脙聽脗赂脗搂脙聽脗赂脗卤脙聽脗赂脗聶脙聽脗赂脗聴脙聽脗赂脗碌脙聽脗鹿脗聢脙聽脗鹿脗聙脙聽脗赂脗聹脙聽脗赂脗垄脙聽脗鹿脗聛脙聽脗赂脗聻脙聽脗赂脗拢脙聽脗鹿脗聢 2018
Publication date 2018
Journal Public Policy and Administration
Volume 4
Issue 17
Pages 600-618
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University
Abstract Social media has a significant impact on political and social life, particularly in policy making. In order to examine social media use in policy making, the researchers obtained and analyzed data on Twitter or Facebook using a NodeXL program from January to June 2016 in three ASEAN cities, Bandung (Indonesia), Iligan (Philippines) and Pukhet (Thailand). Research found that Bandung City has made significant achievement at the engagement level by engaging with the city community in daily city affairs. Meanwhile, Iligan City and Pukhet City are still in the stage of transforming their respective internal organizations. The pivotal factors of social media use in three cities is top and middle leader role, legal standing for social media use, policy framework and internal change management.
Index terms / Keywords Social local government; social media use; networking; transformation, engagement;
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