
Estoperez, Noel R. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Photovoltaic Integration in a Micro-Wind Turbine System
Authors Marven E. labian and Noel R. Estoperez
Publication date 2012/09
Conference The 2012 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems
Pages 339-344
Publisher IEEE
Abstract In response to the growing demand of clean energy for electricity use, tapping renewable sources like hydro, wind and solar are sought. This study aimed to analyze the dynamic performance of a Photovoltaic (PV) system when connected to a micro wind turbine. The 3kVA PV system was modeled based from the specifications enumerated in BP 7180S PV module. With the properly designed hybrid power system (HPS) controller and data acquisition modules, the PV system performed satisfactorily as exemplified by voltage, current and frequency within the normal values.
Index terms / Keywords Micro Wind Turbine, PV System, Photovoltaic, Renewable, HPS Controller
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