
Teanco, Phyllis Marie S. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Engaging the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in the development of their ancestral domain: The Canatuan Mining Project
Authors Teanco, Phyllis Marie
Publication date 2019
Report No.
Abstract Today's indigenous people are the most affected sector in the development of the mineral industry since most mining sites are in their ancestral domain. This paper evaluates the participation of the indigenous peoples脙垄脗聙脗聶 ancestral domain during the operation of the TVI-RD, a large-scale mining corporation. It utilizes the participation model of Andrea Cornwall as a framework of analysis in which she presents a new direction for participation and is more pragmatic within the context of good governance agenda. It alsotries to examine the implementation of the free prior informed consent (FPIC) as a process in the operationof TVI RD in the development of their ancestral domain. In the conduct of this study, the researcher examines the various existing reports and case studiesconducted; however, this study focuses more on how the indigenous people were engaged and involved inthe development of their ancestral domain. While the Philippines has institutionalized free prior informedconsent as an enabling mechanism where the indigenous peoples are given the collective right to participate. However, the results of the study show that the process was hardly implemented. These were manifested in the continued social conflict among the indigenous people, underdevelopment, and sustained livelihood.
Index terms / Keywords Indigenous Peoples, FPIC, participation
DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.23535.15525
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