Full-time PHP programmers

Company : Import LA
Date Posted : 2013-02-28

We are a software company based in the USA, seeking dedicated Full-Time programmers experienced in PHP, and all PHP frameworks (CodeIgniter, Yii, Zend, etc). Applicant must be able to show fluency in PHP, and all PHP frameworks (CodeIgniter, Yii, Zend, etc), MySQL and complex SQL queries. Applicant will be communicating daily with USA project managers and developers in order to coordinate tasks and projects. A physical location to work will be provided in 3 months time.


  • Expert in PHP language
  • Expert in MySQL databases and SQL queries
  • Expert in HTML and CSS
  • Expert in using PhpMyAdmin and cPanel tools
  • Expert in using Redmine or similar project management tools.
  • Expert in using subversion or similar source control tools.
  • Proficient in JavaScript and Ajax
  • Proficient with PHP frameworks such as codeigniter and Zen frameworks
  • Proficient in open source shopping carts (Zen-Cart and Magento)
  • Proficient with tools such as FTP, SSH, etc.


  • 40 hours per week (No part time or weekend developers please.)
  • Can work at least 2 hours during the timeframe of 9am – 7pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) per day.

Send your resume and application to maloubaluran@gmail.com

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