CAD drafter

Company : MODEC Singapore
Date Posted : 2013-10-11

Looking for CAD Drafter

  • CAD drafter for MODEC Singapore. Japanese MNC in the FPSO business.

  • 1 year contract (renewable), very likely to be converted to permanent if performance is good. Budget is up to SGD 3,200.

For more information, please contact or send your resume to:

Ken Ng Recruitment Consultant – Permanent Solutions APAC Air Energi­ Sunday Times Profit Track - Top 100 Companies – 2010, 2011 and 2012 DL: + 65 6511 2344 M: + 65 9002 9177 F: + 65 6511 1050 E: kng@airenergi.com Skype: air_kng www.airenergi.com

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